Excel for mac computers
Excel for mac computers

excel for mac computers

Virtually everything about Excel can be customized, the user said. A lot of red ink on your balance sheet? Excel can show negative numbers as red, for example. Cells can be bold, italicized, underlined or double underlined, or shaded and given special borders. With Excel, the user can change the size and typeface of each cell in the worksheet. ''Some numbers are more important than others, but with 1-2-3 they all look the same.'' ''Let's face it, not all numbers are created equal,'' one user said.


''You could spend $1,000 or more adding these things to 1-2-3, but your desk would be covered with different manuals and you'd have who knows how many different programs and interfaces to learn, plus they'd eat up all your memory,'' the official said.īut one of the most striking things about the new Excel, according to people who have used it, is the way it looks. Another is a program that allows spreadsheets to be printed sideways.Īccording to one Microsoft official, Excel has essentially taken the best of the add-on products for 1-2-3 and incorporated them as standard features.

excel for mac computers

An example is a program, Note-It ($79.95, from Turner Hall Publishing, telephone 80), which allows users to explain certain entries with electronic versions of those sticky yellow note papers. It has built-in auditing capabilities, allowing structured spreadsheets that an accountant will love.Ī large industry of add-on products for 1-2-3 evolved as other companies figured out ways to make 1-2-3 more functional or easier to use. It zips through recalculations on these big sheets by worrying about only those cells of the worksheet that are affected by a change, ignoring the rest. One can build worksheets as large as 256 columns by 16,384 rows, but if it makes sense to build smaller and more practical worksheets, these can all be linked together with ease - a practice called 3-D consolidation.Įxcel can deal with larger spreadsheet models because it uses memory efficiently, especially expanded memory, which it treats differently than does 1-2-3.


That's several hundred dollars less than the cost of those items purchased separately.Īccording to the preliminary specs, PC Excel's raw analytical capabilities and speed are enviable.

excel for mac computers

Microsoft is offering a package deal: Excel, plus a Mach 20 plug-in board that has an 80286 chip, plus a memory board with an extra 520K memory, for $995. Owners of 8088-based PC's and XT's aren't completely out of luck, though. Excel requires an 80286- or 80386-based computer, at least 640 kilobytes of random access memory - a megabyte or more would be better - and a hard disk. Now Microsoft has turned the tables by introducing a version of Excel for the PC, one that has all of the features of the Mac edition, plus so many other new features that even Mac owners will be envious.īut even some PC users may have to switch hardware to use Excel. They say Excel is faster and more powerful than 1-2-3, is easier to learn and use, and has superior graphics and data base features. Some hard-core spreadsheet users have been known to switch to Macs from PC's just to be able to run Excel. At long last, PC power-users will finally have a chance to test the spreadsheet that Mac users have been praising so highly since 1985. Microsoft is introducing a $495 version of Excel that will run on the more powerful members of the I.B.M. Lotus 1-2-3 did not run on the Mac and Excel did not run on the PC.īut today everything changes. Until today the division was neat and clean. In case you need more information about Microsoft Office alternatives, please shoot us a question in the comment section below.IN the world of spreadsheets, Microsoft Excel is the standard for the Apple Macintosh and Lotus 1-2-3 is the standard for everyone else. Moreover, you can send and receive documents on Mac as well as other computers.


Users are not supposed to update the software frequently. LibreOffice is the clear winner for its nearly MS Office-like features and appearance. Further, you get an integrated cloud with 1 GB of storage! Pretty neat! I also appreciate that it supports tabbed document editing, similar to a web browser. Moreover, it’s customizable, so you can pick the menu style you like most. It’s got an easy-to-use interface and includes WPS Writers, WPS Spreadsheet, and WPS Presentation.


It’s free to use but has ads, which you can remove by paying $30 a year. Here’s another great Microsoft Office alternative for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Excel for mac computers